Another Review Of Stuck By Lucy Swing

Stuck Book Cover Lucy Swing graciously reviewed Stuck for me and forwarded me a copy of the review that she wrote. I wanted to share it with all of you.

Thank you so much for the review, Lucy!




Lucy Swing:

“Stuck” by Lissette E. Manning captured me from the very beginning; spiraling me into her post-apocalyptic world.  In this heart wrenching short story, we follow Annie as she leaves the safety of her home in search of means to provide for her family. As a mother myself, I felt the utter pain Annie went through leaving her children behind and the need to go out into the unknowing to ease her family’s hunger. Continue reading

A Review Of Stuck By Anthony Marchio

Stuck Book Cover Anthony Marchio, a screenwriter and fellow writer, recently reviewed my story, Stuck. Below you’ll find what he had to say.

Thank you so much for the review, Anthony. It’s much appreciated!


Anthony Marchio:

Where do I begin with this story.

From the title of it, you wouldn’t know what’s going on until the very end. The first-person story telling gives this book an amazing feel. The setting in the beginning is great and catches your attention. As the story progresses you get a sense of emotion. But you can’t figure out what it is. The vivid descriptions of the setting really bring this book to life. It’s an emotional ride and very powerful. It will have you tearing up. Continue reading

Project Updates

books These last few days I’ve been working on cultivating the insane idea that’s taken over part of my mind in regards to my Tales Of Velosia series. While this series is not yet available, I’ve taken it upon myself to create a blog, a twitter, and a facebook page that centers around the world that I’ve been creating for it.

It’s been quite a daunting task, but I’m meeting it with gusto and so much excitement. In addition to sharing, and promoting the series as I go along, I’ve also been working on other projects, as well. Continue reading

Sample Excerpt: Stuck

stuck cover thumbnail I meant to unveil this excerpt of my story earlier but a couple things came up during the day that prevented me from doing so. I apologize for the delay. This is still a work-in-progress, so I ask that you bear with me if something within the story is not yet there. All in all, I hope you enjoy what I’ve written, thus far. Would love to know what you all think of both the preliminary cover and the story itself.



Wails of the dying cut the night like sirens, studded with the crack of gunfire and moonlight winking on speeding bullets. The smell of burning flesh and rubber wafted through the air; the stench sickening my senses. Everywhere I looked, signs of a decaying world hit me.

Derelict buildings sat silent on random corners, ghostly shells sporting broken windows and rotted wooden doors that hung off their hinges. Large cracks lined the road, stone and rubble littering the pavement. Shadows danced as I walked along the darkened streets, catching occasional glimpses of an abandoned car. Continue reading