Buy 1, Get 2 Free

Stuck Book Cover Stuck has been officially released. You can find it up now on Smashwords, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

With it’s release, I’m offering the following promotion. From now until the 15th of October, all those who purchase a copy of Stuck, be it via Smashwords, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, will receive a free copy of Closure and Compromise of the Soul.

All people need to do once once they’ve purchased a copy of Stuck is to email me a copy of their purchase receipt to, and I’ll email them the free copies of each book. Don’t forget to specify what format you’d like to receive the free copies in, either Kindle or Nook. If there are those of you who have both a Kindle and Nook, let me know and I’ll forward you both formats of each free book so that you can read it on either reader. Continue reading

New Ebook Revision For Closure

closure thumbnail Hiya peeps.

I just wanted to give you a heads up about the new revision that I made to the ebook edition of Closure. The new changes resemble the layout that I created for the printed version, in additions to some corrections that I made. I was able to catch a couple that no one ever noticed before and corrected them.

I hope you enjoy the new version of the book. I’ve uploaded it to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. It might take a day or so for the new file to go through on Amazon and B&N, but rest assured that it’ll be up soon enough.

Complimentary Free Copy Of Closure

closure thumbnail Hiya, peeps.

As most of you all know, I’ve a book releasing next month titled Stuck. It’s a post-apocalyptic, science-fiction story centered around a mother who is intent on providing for her family and the consequences that ensue when she goes out one night in hopes of doing just that.

In preparation for the Stuck’s release, I’ve decided to offer Closure to you all for free via Smashwords. Yep, you heard it right. You can get the story for free and in any format that you’d like to read it in. Kindle, Nook, Sony Reader, PDF, Palm, – Smashwords will allow you to get it however you want it.

In order to get your complimentary free copy of my story, just go HERE and enter the following coupon code: YH96Z in the little box that’s provided and just hit CHECKOUT. It’s that easy! Continue reading

Book Conversions And Ereaders

scroll When I first started working on making my short story into an ebook, I have to say that I never imagined just how many ebook readers there are out there. There’s the Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple IBook, Sony Reader, and countless others. I also never realized just how much time and effort goes into formatting your ebook so that it can be read in the various formats. Continue reading