Buy 1, Get 2 Free

Stuck Book Cover Stuck has been officially released. You can find it up now on Smashwords, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

With it’s release, I’m offering the following promotion. From now until the 15th of October, all those who purchase a copy of Stuck, be it via Smashwords, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble, will receive a free copy of Closure and Compromise of the Soul.

All people need to do once once they’ve purchased a copy of Stuck is to email me a copy of their purchase receipt to, and I’ll email them the free copies of each book. Don’t forget to specify what format you’d like to receive the free copies in, either Kindle or Nook. If there are those of you who have both a Kindle and Nook, let me know and I’ll forward you both formats of each free book so that you can read it on either reader. Continue reading

Compromise of the Soul Cover

So I spent the better part of yesterday dilly-dallying. I shouldn’t have, but I admit it. Ironically, it felt great to take a little break from writing since I’ve been doing a lot of it lately.

I also spent some time messing around making some digital art. One of the things that I was working on was a cover for the short story that I wrote recently titled ‘Compromise of the Soul’. Continue reading

Compromise Of The Soul

Compromise of the Soul Mini Book Cover Hiya, guys and gals. I’ve been diligently working on my piece for #SaturdayStory and have finally finished what I’ve been working on. I think this can, and I think I will, expand it into a full-blown novel. I rather like where my muse was going with this.

And since it’s his birthday today, and he sort of inspired another of my works, I will dedicate today’s piece to the delicious, and very sweet, Ben Barnes. Happy Birthday to you, Ben! ❤

So without further ado, I present to you my #SaturdayStory, Compromise of the Soul. I hope you all enjoy what I’ve written. Continue reading