
book covers I’ve been looking back on this wonderful journey that I’ve been on, so far. I have to say that it’s been quite amazing. I’ve met so many beautiful people and have been making awesome friends. Not to mention everything that I’ve been learning about this world as I go along. Unbelievably, it’s only been 3 short months. Continue reading

Is It Working As Intended?

scroll Let’s say you’re like me – still new to this Indie Author thing. You’ve set up the needed platforms to promote your work – Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and several other sources. You’ve created a blog and started posting whenever possible. has become your best friend as it is handy whenever you need to shorten links. Overall, you’re making friends and establishing that much needed online presence, although you know that you’ve a long way to go.

Everything seems to be going well and you’re quite content with how things are going, so far. You do your best to keep up with everything as each day goes by and you’re thinking that things are where they should be. Nothing seems out of order and you’re sure that you’ve done everything possible in making others aware of you and your writing. But have you done enough? Continue reading

When It Comes To Promoting Your Work

book I’ve been diligently researching, and implementing, the different ways/mediums to promote my book ever since I self-published my story. I’ve also come to realize that there are many ways in which to do so. Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and many others to numerous to name.

There are also websites like Digg, Reddit, Stumbleupon, Delicious, and Googlebuzz, that allow you to share the links to your works/sites with others. These, I confess, I’m still getting used to using. But I do have to admit that they make it easier for making your work known to others out there and I think they are very useful in the long run.

I’ve also come across Lifarre, courtesy of Indie Book Collective, which allows me to connect with other women/writers who share the same passion as I do for writing. I’m still getting used to this site, but I made my first friend on it today which I thought was very cool. Hopefully, I’ll make many more soon. Continue reading

Facebook Fan Pages

As an author, do you have one? How effective is it? Has it broadened your fan base? Can we use this effectively as a way of promoting our books and broadening our online presence? These are questions that I’ve been asking myself ever since I’ve started to get my work out there.

I’m an Indie author, as you know, and I want to make the most of promoting my work, but I confess that sometimes I have no idea if I’m doing it correctly. Not entirely, anyway.

Bubblecow’s post on what’s the use of writing a book without an online presence has had me thinking about it extensively. I’ve slowly, but surely, have started to create a better online presence by taking to Twitter, Goodreads, and other blog/forum mediums in hopes of being heard and having more people notice my work. Continue reading